I let the 1st anniversary of this photo-a-day blog pass without commenting here because I was didn’t want to interrupt the sequence of images from sunset at Spruce Knob, WV. My first post was on 17 October 2013.
I worked very hard in the beginning to always use an image I had taken that day. This usually meant that after working all day, I struggled to find something around the house to photograph. A few came out interestingly … many had appeared much better in my imagination than I was able to capture with the camera … and others were simply bad. I did learn a great deal … more than you probably think looking at my images over the year. I enjoy capturing and presenting the images here and will continue to do so. And while I still hope to share an image everyday, I will likely stick with my more recent workflow … planning an excursion to a place or event that I wish to photograph and then letting the images captured from that adventure play out over several days. And when things get really busy with all the other things going on in my life, I give my self permission to travel back through my image library and share something I discover there.
Today’s image is one from about 2 years ago taken on the Appalachian State University campus during fall break (it was dead quiet on campus).

Congratulations on completing one year of your photo-a-day project! I’m sure it was a great learning experience. As they say…the three best ways to improve your photography are: shoot, shoot, and shoot some more. Not sure I’d have the discipline to publish a photo every day.
Thank you, Tom.